Odor Removal

Eliminate Bad Smells from Your Home

Whether from a house fire, storm damage, flooding, sewage backup, or a pet, dealing with unpleasant odors can be stressful, embarrassing, and even hazardous to your health. To help you get rid of deeply ingrained odors, All Dry Services of Parkland offers professional odor removal services. We come equipped with the best tools and methods to get your home smelling fresh again!

How Are Odors Removed from Homes?

To rid your home of odors, simply freshening up surfaces won't cut it. We go beyond that by tackling the root cause, identifying the source, and completely eliminating it.

Here are the tools we deploy to ensure effective odor removal:

  • Air Scrubbers: Portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters that draw air in and remove any particles, gasses, and chemicals from your property’s air.
  • Hydroxyl Generators: Generators that produce hydroxyl radicals (essentially broad-range UV radiation) that break apart any odor molecules to cleanse and deodorize indoor environments.
  • Thermal Fog: Expanding water-based thermal fogging is released into the areas affected by smoke-related odor. Fog molecules attach to smoke particles, preventing them from releasing odorous gasses.
  • Ozone: A portable ozone generator that releases a highly reactive ozone molecule that destroys any molecules, bacteria, or spores that cause unpleasant smells.

After your deodorizing services, we'll make sure to clean up any water, fire, or other damage that may be contributing to the bad smells in your home. We work quickly and efficiently, ensuring that you and your family can get back to enjoying your home as soon as possible. – we're here 24/7 to help you get started!

Common Causes of Odors & When It's Time to Call Us

Several factors contribute to the unpleasant odors in homes. Common causes include fire damage, mold and mildew growth, pets, cigarette smoke, and even some types of food. These odors can linger and continue to emit an unpleasant smell if not treated properly.

Traditional cleaning methods may not effectively eliminate stubborn, unpleasant odors. In such cases, professional odor removal services are necessary, particularly if the smells trigger allergies or stem from serious issues like mold, sewage backups, or fire damage. All Dry Services of Parkland possesses the expertise to identify odor sources and employ advanced techniques to permanently eliminate even the toughest smells.

Contact Us Today to Reserve Your Free Odor Removal Inspection

  • Health Hazards

    Strong odors can hint at dangers like concealed black mold or toxins
    from fire and smoke damage, directly jeopardizing your health.

  • Contamination of Belongings

    Odors can infiltrate items ranging from furnishings and clothes to electronics, imparting a permanent, unpleasant scent.

  • Structural Damage

    Consistent musty odors might signal hidden water damage or leaks. Ignoring them can erode the home's structural integrity, compromising walls and foundations.

  • Reduced Property Value

    Persistent odors can detract from your property's worth, deterring potential buyers or renters.

  • Embarrassment and discomfort

    Bad smells can compromise your home's atmosphere, affecting your peace of mind and potentially causing embarrassment with visitors.

  • Act Now!

    Don't wait too long to tackle stubborn odors in your home – it could be alerting you to a bigger issue that requires immediate attention.

Why Should Professionals Handle Odor Removal?

Household cleaning products can mask odors but don't address the root cause. Professionals use commercial-grade cleaners, state-of-the-art equipment, and trained techniques to pinpoint the source of the odor and fully remove it. All Dry Services of Parkland also has the ability to fully restore your space's damage, ensuring a fresh start – and a fresher smell.

Not only that but you're also covered by our satisfaction guarantee! With us, you can rest easy knowing that we'll be there to handle the unexpected, providing top-notch customer service and swift, professional restoration solutions. Your satisfaction is our priority every step of the way!